Day in the Life

Dec 22, 1858

Journal Entry

December 22, 1858 ~ Wednesday

22nd I spent the day in the office Journallizing I rep[or]ted
to G. A. Smith an Account of Brother Hamblins
mission to the Moquises He travelled about 300 miles
from the Rio Vergin he had to go about 100 miles up
the Colorado before they could cross it He was received
rather cooly at first as they had been visited by
some white men who had lied to them, but they soon
had confidence in him he found them located in
walled cities built of stone the Houses 3 stories hig[h]
which were built on the Hightest mountains ownly
accessible on foot or horsback they have cisterns
to ketch their water for use & pak their wood on
the Bak of Animals their wealth consists mo[s]tly
in sheep & goats they cultivate the Earth & make
their own cloth, &c but we shall have a full report soon


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Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1439 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Hamblin, Jacob
2 Apr 1819 - 30 Aug 1886


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Political/Government - Legislative Assembly resolution, 22 December 1858
Approved A. Cumming Gov Utah Territory


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Wilford serves ninth term as member of Territorial Legislature.

Dec 22, 1858