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Day in the Life

Jan 21, 1859

Journal Entry

January 21, 1859 ~ Friday

21st I spent the whole day & night in the Legislature till
3 1/2 oclock in the morning. The Govornor remained up
untill all the Bills were signed except a Liquor Bill & united
Shambip County with Toille those are the ownly Bill that
the Govornor has veto'ed we turned off much business
during the Last 24 hours we adjourned to meet on the second
Monday in Dec 1859 in Great Salt Lake City. The secretary
refused to pay the members ownly the identical Siting days
this created some considerable in the Assembly and an
unusual thing. The Assembly offered a resolution of thanks
to Govornor GCummings for his wise policy in keeping
the peace & maintaining the Laws in this Territory I
went home at 4 oclok


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Wilford serves ninth term as member of Territorial Legislature.

Jan 21, 1859