17th Brother Orson Hyde returned from Rush valley
whare he had been to settle the difficulties He done away
will [with] the Rush valley Herd company & the citizens staked
out the land, and that makes an end of our claims in
that land the sellers gave him some $30 dollars in
Money & promised him a keg of Butter & a grant of
20 Acres of the Best land in the East canyon for his
services. IHe Appointed a President and two councel-
lors. I called upon the President a short time The
Mail carrier reported that Amiasa Lyman was vary
dangerously sick & not expected to live
I received a letter from Lorenzo Snow I also
received a letter from G. A. S at Provo the court are
mad & triying to do all they can. Gov Cummings areis there
and trying to remove the Troops. The court has supenied
witnesses about one doz on some cases of murders
there has been Bills Found against two Indians for
rapes And, John Cazier for helping away deserters
No other Bills found as yet, about 150 persons applyied
for naturalization papers they seem to have a good
deal of business on hand. The mayor and city council
wrote to Judge Cradlebaugh an answer to his reasons
for Bringing the troops to Provo to guard Prisioners
condemning his course for so doing. Brother Southworth
arived in the evening bringing later News from Provo
but nothing of much interest I spent the evening
at President Youngs He had the Provo Comumunica-
tions read, also the Life of Napolion which was vary interesting
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