Sunday I met with my quorum at 1 oclok I prayed & Bishop
Hunter was Mouth. The Eastern Mail came in in the afternoon
I spent some time in the Presidents office looking over the
news of the day. A Land Bill passed the senate House giving
to evry American cityizen a quarter section of Land if they
ocupied it 5 years the majority was 44 if it Passes the senate
it will become a Law. I met with the Quorum of the Twelve
E. Snow Prayed J. Taylor was mouth we went to the Presid[en]t's
& spent the time till 9 oclok In speaking of the soldiers
in Provo President Young said I would like to be Govornor
awhile I would remove them soon if the captain did not
and if Governor Cummings did his duty he would do it
Judge Cradlebaugh spupenied some witnesses & when
they arived they Judge arested them upon a Bench
warrant among whom was Benjamin Kimball Bullock
the Mayor of the City for murder when they had no
accusation against him President Young said they
wanted to get up a Fuss but not Enough to cut their
own heads off G A S said it would be A fearful thing
to them if they begun it
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