There was an Express came in in the night
saying that 2000 of the army with Judge Sinclair would
start in the night for Salt Lake City All the police were
called out in the night and arangements made to meet
them if they attempted to meet them come in. I set
out 40 young trees to day. I also attended a surgucal opera-
tion by Dr France & Anderson one of the worst surgercul
opperations ever performed his name was [blank] Hawkins
from Bever it was a malignant canser commenced on the
lip iat first it was not larger than a pea it could then
have been cut out with safety but some Friends advised
him not to do it thought they could cure it, but It continued
to spread untill it eat up two thirds of the lower Jaw & nearly
to the pallet, they cut out 2/3 of the lower Jaw & one third of
the lower lip & took out all the chin but the skin & one third
of that they sowed the tung to the upper lip whare it has to
remain untill it heals up if his tongue was now loose he would
swallow it. it was the awfulest affair I ever witnessed. their
has been about 100 opperation of the same kind in the world for
the last 100 years 60 out of the 100 lived Needles were used for stitches
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