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Day in the Life

May 25, 1859

Journal Entry

May 25, 1859 ~ Wednesday

25th I had some Apple Cuttings sent me from the states
I cut the buds off & budded them into Apple I spent most of
the day in the office I wrote A Letter to Ilus F Carter
[FIGURE] And preached a Leittle to him, in answer to a religius
letter which He sent to me. It was a vary cold day and quite
a frost at night


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Carter, Ilus Fabyan
8 Nov 1816 - 11 Dec 1888
394 mentions


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Letter to Ilus Fabyan Carter, 25 May 1859
Great Salt Lake City, . Brother Ilas. Dear Sir, I received your kind letter of March 6th, and was truly glad to get a long letter from you, and to have you express your feelings freely upon any matter you wished. I have much I would like to say upon both spiritual and tem- poral subjects, had I time, room, and opportunity. But it is such a difficult matter to treat upon religious subjects with paper and ink that I very seldom attempt it. I have always felt an anxiety for the future and eternal welfare of myself, family, and friends, and I have felt an interest in the welfare of the world at large; so much so, that I have travelled nearly one hundred thousand miles among various nations, to preach the Gospel of Je- sus Christ, and for no other purpose than to do the will of God, and benefit my fellowmen, though strangers to me. I know that Mormonism is true, that the Book of Mormon is true, and that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, and was inspired of him to lay the foundation of the Church and kingdom, and to establish it upon the earth, to prepare the


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May 25, 1859