Day in the Life

Jul 5, 1859

Journal Entry

July 05, 1859 ~ Tuesday

5th Mr Christopher Hoover son in law of Luther
of Lamoile Bureau County Ill. called upon
me this morning He had been to pikes peak for gold
said it was a Humbug their was but little gold found
there He judged there was but little gold there & 100000
men had been to those mines for gold & been disapoi-
nted & great distress was among the people & He was on
his way to Calafornia. He camped the first night in
Vinson Shirtliff's pasture had 5 good Horses stolen
the first night, had traced them to the little mountain
East I took Mr Hoover through my Garden & prenises
to the Historians office & printing office &c. J. W. Fox called
at the office to day and gave an Account of my land in the field
over Jordon it is Block 16, Lot 11 over 8 acres, west half of Lot
12 over 4 Acres total 12 acres it is 52 rods E & W, 37 1/2 N. & S.


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Jul 5, 1859