^8^ I attended meeting with the Bishops in the evening at the Basement of
the Social Hall Bishop Hunter addressed the meeting at the close
of his remarks President Brigham Young then addressed the Bishops
in a vary interesting manner concerning there office Brother
Godard reported what He said I also reported in the Office Private
Journal a synopsis of what was said among his remarks he said
that when a Bishop fully magnifyed his office they would preside
over there wards as a man does over his family the Bishop would
dictate to every man woman & child what they should No one sh[o]uld
be Idle but all should labour the Bishop would then dictate to every man
what he should raise and how much and every one should be set to
work and when any one in the ward should have bread all sho[ul]d
have it. well says the poor shifless man that never earned a house
or a pair of shoes I would like that doctrin for then I would
have a house as Big as Brigham Young. No you would not untill
you Earned it. In speaking of Building up the centre stake he
said I [k]now the Lord will not keep us out of Jackson County one day
longer than we are prepared and the ownly fears I have had in the
matter is that the Lord will get tiered of waiting for us to get ready
and and will say I will wait no longer and if there is not five more than five ready to go to Zion let them go &
ready to go
build it up I do not think there is any prepared to go yet I do
not think that I am prepared yet to lay the cornor stone of the
New Jerrusalem. But I mean to prepare myself as fast as I can
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