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Day in the Life

May 12, 1860

Journal Entry

May 12, 1860 ~ Saturday

12 It commenced hailing about 2 oclok this morning it commenced snowing
about 3 oclok and we had the hardest snow storm we have had this
year all the Fruit & shade trees were loaded down many of the
curant Buchels broak down I was laboring for 5 hours among
my trees to keep them clear of snow so they would not break down
I went to the office at 11 o'clok obtained the mountaineer & learned
that the poney express arived last night 5 days From the states
& Brought word that the Dimocratic Charlston Convention became
divided and adjourned one part at Baltimore the other at Richmond
it has been said For many years that 1860 will be a vary Notable
year the signs of the times indicate that it will be it is vary unco-
mmon for snow to Fall 2 feet deep on the 12th May it was quite
cold at night and a Frost which killed grapes & probably Apples


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

May 12, 1860