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Day in the Life

Apr 2, 1862

Journal Entry

April 02, 1862 ~ Wednesday

2nd I called at the presidents office several times to see him
about Building a sheep carall at a spring near Coones Canyon
I had sent my pools [poles] there to make a carroll & Levi Riter
opposed me in [it] & said his claime covered that spring but He

had never occupied it, and the grant which was given to Lorenzo
the right of which Riter bought was repealed by the Legislature
in 1860. I told President Young about the circumstances & he
said if he was in my place He should go ahead & put up a carrell
I spent the Evening in the printing office. it snowed most of the night


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 26 Aug 1877
3301 mentions
Apostle, Family
4 mentions
Young, Lorenzo Dow
19 Oct 1807 - 21 Nov 1895
122 mentions

Apr 2, 1862