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Day in the Life

Apr 12, 1862

Journal Entry

April 12, 1862 ~ Saturday

12 I spent the fore part of the day in the Endowment House,
we gave Endowments to about 30, I sealed 15 couple. at 1 oclok
I went to the seventies Hall and attended the trial of Zera
, who had been sealing women to men without
Authority. He was required to be rebaptized & had the
privilege of Being ordained into the High Priest Quorum
I attended a feast at Brother & Sister Blackhurst with the
Quorum of the Twelve & there wives.


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10 mentions
Blackhurst, William
22 Jun 1807 - 9 Sep 1864
8 mentions
Pulsipher, Zerah
24 Jun 1788 - 1 Jan 1872
101 mentions


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Apr 12, 1862