Day in the Life

Nov 19, 1863

Journal Entry

November 19, 1863 ~ Thursday

19. I went into the canyon with 2 teams to day John Barr broke
his reach again to day & not having tools to make another had
to go home Empty he has not drawn any wood wnow for two
days my Eye was vary painful all day it had become bloodshot
& highly inflamed I was in great agony when I arived at the
Fort. A Sister Johnson came in & Examined my eye & found a
small peace of wood sticking fast in my Ey Ball far in the back
side & picked it out with a pin which was vary painful I suffered
through the night with it


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called up to go down to the farm & visit my daughter Susan who thought her youngest child was dying. I took Mrs Woodruff down to see the child we laid hands upon & rebuked the desease & the child began to amend
~ Wilford Woodruff


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Nov 19, 1863