Letter to James Lloyd LaFayette Warren, 14 March 1864
Col. Warren:
I am instructed by the Board of
Directors of the Deseret Agricultural and Manufacturing Society
to forward you $10.00 for pure onion seed; 1 the Red and
Yellow Dutch varieties. They have established Gardens at a
point so remote from other cultivation that they are able to
raise pure seeds. Last season they succeeded in raising
the Imphee seed, in purity; experiments on the stalks of which
shewed that from five gallons of juice on[e] gallon of good
thick syrup was made on a Cook's evaporator. At the
same evaporator other cane that was worked took
7 & sometimes as high as 10 gallons to make one
of syrup.
Enclosed you have a ten dollar green back.
Send your seeds immediately & oblige.
In behalf of the Society
W. Woodruff
of D. A. & M. Society.
Rob. L. Campbell