Letter to Thomas Callister, 30 March 1864
G. S. L. City, .
Bishop Thomas Callister:
Elder W. Woodruff has received from bro.
Ashman several letters and a telegram in relation to
the disgraceful charges preferred against Orlando Warner,
concerning which bro. Geo. A. has also received a letter from
you. So far as we can learn the excitement against
Judge King is in consequence of his having admitted
Warner to bail, and whether the Judge accepted an illegal
bond or admitted Warner on his own recognisance has
not transpired. That Judge King would have the
right to admit Warner to bail to a regular term
of court by taking ample security is established by
precedent. The bail would necessarily have to be high
because in chap. 22, Sec. 16, of laws of Utah the pun-
ishment for such a crime is imprisonment for life or
not less than ten years. We would regard a bond
for $3000.00 executed in proper form, conditioned for
the peaceful demeanor of the accused as well as his
appearance at court to answer as sufficient. Art. 7 of
the amendments to the Constitution says: Excessive bail
shall not be required.