22 Sunday A plesant Morning I walked out with C. C. Rich & the
Twelve to see his public square & tithing office grounds we received
A dispatch from the City, it gave us to understand that Richmond
was not taken. We held a meeting at 10 oclok with the people
used a waggon for a stand. W Woodruff opened by Prayer
President Young spoke to the People & named the settlement on Big Creek
St Charles & wished the place to be the county seat. He wished
the people to settle together, a house on each city Lot. He Advised
the people not to send their children Herding nor for one man
to go alone in the canyons for wood. He was followed By H. C. Kimball
G. A. Smith & J Taylor all gave good council. We took dinner
then Harnessed up our teams & drove to the mouth of the canyon
& camped for the night we passed by a small settlement in
waggons we visited a root grafted Nursery of several thousands
trees & many seedlings 11 1/2 miles
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