The Legislature of the State of Deserett met in the State House at
1 oclok I was a member of the Senate we organized & received
the Govornors Message. We met at the Historians office and
Anointed Benjamin Franklin Johnson & his 2 wives
G A Smith Anointed. we held
a meeting in the Evening as a Quorum of the 12 Appostles to Examine
into the subject of Amasa Lyman's teaching fals doctrin & publishing
it to the world he had virtually done away with the Blood of Christ
that the Blood of Christ was not necessary for the salvation of man
The Quo^rum^ [page torn] of the twelve were horrified at the Idea that one of
Twelve Apostle should teach such a doctrin After Amasa Lyman
wos interrigated upon the subject & said those had been his senti
ments W Woodruff made the first speech & all the Quorum followed
and they spoke in vary strong terms W Woodruff said that he
felt shocked at the Idea that one of the Twelve Apostles should get so
far into the dark as to deny the Blood of Jesus Christ & say that it was
not necessary for the salvation of man, and teach this as a tru doctrin
while it was in opposition to all the doctrin taught by Every Prophet & Apostle
& saint from the days of Adam untill to day the Bibble, Book of Mormon,
& doctrins & covenants have taught from begining to End that Christ shed
his Blood for the salvation of man & that there was no other name given [2 Nephi 31:21]
given under heaven whare by men can be saven, [2 Nephi 31:21] and I can tell
brother Lyman that that doctrin will send him to perdition if he contin-
ues in it, & so it will any man, & such a doctrin would rend this
Church & kingdom to peaces like an Earthquake. There never was
nor never will be a saint on the Earth that believes that doctrin it
is the worst herricy man can preach. when the Twelve got through
speaking Amasa Lyman wept like a child & asked forgivness
we then all went into President Youngs office & conversed with
him he felt as the Twelve did upon the subject ownly more so &
required Brother Lyman to Publish his confession & make it as
public as he had his fals doctrin
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