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Day in the Life

Mar 4, 1867

Journal Entry

March 04, 1867 ~ Monday

4. March Congress closed yesterday & meets again today
and they are passing a great Deal of partial & unconsti-
tutional Legislation they are a corrupt body of men
& are fast sending the nation to destruction I wrote a
[FIGURES] letter to New York & sent a post office order of $3.
I met at the Prayer Circle at 2 oclok & we gave George
& his 2 wives
their seconed Anointing W. Woodruff
officiated. I met with the Jordan irrigation company in the Evening I
located 20 Acres of grass land that used to belong to Beaty


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Goddard, George
5 Dec 1815 - 12 Jan 1899
66 mentions


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Mar 4, 1867