Day in the Life

May 31, 1867

Journal Entry

May 31, 1867 ~ Friday

31. I spent the day cleaning out my stack yard working in the
A hand pointing to the right gardin I recieved a letter from Wilford saying that He had
lost his Mule I sent Keets to Fort Herriman with two Mules
to him for them to go & try to Find the one he had lost


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Woodruff, Saroquetes
abt. 1852-1901
29 mentions
Family, Native American
Woodruff, Wilford (Jr.)
22 Mar 1840 - 9 May 1921
719 mentions


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May 31, 1867