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Day in the Life

Jun 16, 1868

Journal Entry

June 16, 1868 ~ Tuesday

June 16, 1868

I let Bishop Hoagland have 1000lbs of flour on the Emigration & get
Ezra Foss to go After Keets I wrote 2 letters to Wilford & Delight
[FIGURE] I spent the day at home


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Hoagland, Abraham Lucas
24 Mar 1797 - 14 Feb 1872
82 mentions
10 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Delight Stocking
26 Jun 1838 - 28 May 1906
168 mentions
29 mentions
Woodruff, Wilford (Jr.)
22 Mar 1840 - 9 May 1921
699 mentions


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Jun 16, 1868