June 234th 1868
June 24, 1868
Heber C. Kimball born June 14, 1801
Died June 22 1868, Aged 67 y & 8 days
President Heber C Kimball was buried today. it was the
largest funeral Ever attended in the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints The Presidency, T8 of the Twelve and
many of the Authorities met at his residence at one oclk
& a little past 2 oclok the procssion was formed. A Brass
Band led, followed By many of the Authorities of the Church
Presidents Young & Wells walked before the coffin the Twelve in
front of them Next came the family of President Heber
C. Kimball there are but few men Ever lived on Earth
who had as many wives & children to follow him to the
Grave as Brother Kimball had about 20 wives.
The prosession moved then to the New Tabernacle in a
hard rain storm when we arived at the Tabernacle
it was filled [with] as many as could be seated There were
some 8000 people in the Tabernacle & others out side. there were
8 of the Twelve present discourses were deliv[er]ed By the following
persons in the following order John Taylor G. A. Smith
G. Q. Cannon D H Wells & President Brigham Young
it was an Effecting time. The coffin was cov[er]ed with Black
velvit & trimed with silver braid & the top decorated with
roses & flow[er]s of many kinds. the congregation was dismissed
at the close of the services & the procession with the morners
went to the near the House of the deceased to his own family
burying ground & his body was laid By the side of
his wife Vilate
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