Day in the Life

Dec 6, 1868

Journal Entry

December 06, 1868 ~ Sunday

6. Sunday I met with the sunday school children in the morning
& spoke to them I met the people in the meeting House & Brother
Dunford spoke in the forenoon & I spoke in the After noon
one hour & 7 minutes Brother E F Sheets spoke a short time
I attended the ward meeting in the Evening & spoke to the people


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Sheets, Elijah Funk
22 Mar 1821 - 3 Jul 1904

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Discourse 1868-12-06
Elder Wilford Woodruff. This is the greatest day and generation that has ever been. Preach- ing the gGospel, rebuilding of Jerusalem and the coming of the Son of God. It required a vast amount of faith in God, for the Elders to go forth without purse or script, and establish the Gospel. But the Latter Day Saints are a peculiar people. We do live in a fast age, Gods and Men and Devils. Every thing in Heaven, on Earth and in Hell are in a hurry. Brigham Young is the Lords mouth piece to this people. He is labouring to build up Zion, agreeable to the decrees of the Almighty.

Dec 6, 1868