Sept 6.
I went to the Endowm[en]t House & was sealed at
the Altar in company with Mrs Woodruff for 5 couple
and as I went to the Altar to commenced sealing other I
was taken deadly sick at the stomach ^though I sealed 11 couple^ I went out of Doors
& vomited severely I had to leave the House & go home I soon
was covered all over from head to Foot with the Hives the
ownly thing I could do to get releaf was to be rubed over with
raw flour I sat up a few moments in a chair I fainted away
& fell out of it I was put on to the bed & was vary sick G A. Smith
& G Q Cannon administered to me & I was some better
Wilford Woodruff sen & Phebe W Woodruff was sealed at the Altar
in the Endowment House for the following persons By D. H. Wells
Titus Woodruff & Lewie Allen Woodruff Lua
Amasy Frisby & Elizabeth Woodruff Frisby
Amos Wheeler & Hellen Woodruff Wheeler
Abijah Barber & Cyntha Thomson Barber
Erastus Hart & Anna Thompson Hart Total 5 couples
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