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Day in the Life

Jan 27, 1870

Journal Entry

January 27, 1870 ~ Thursday

27. [FIGURE] I spent the fore part of the day in the Legislature I received
2 letters from Uncle Ozem Woodruff giving me a Geneology &
of his family He informed me that his Brother Samuel Woodruff
S. W. [FIGURE] Died Dec 1869 Aged 92 years old He was born
in 1877 [1767]. I spent the Evening in committee in the council chamber


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Woodruff, Ozem, b. 1787
3 Nov 1787 - 18 Feb 1871
154 mentions
18 mentions


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Church membership 90,130; population of Utah Territory 86,336; population of 38 United States 39,820,000.
Utah women given the right to vote; Liberal (non-Mormon) Party formed opposing People's (Mormon) Party.

Jan 27, 1870