The sun has come out clear & Bright this morning I spent
the day in the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endowm[en]ts to 45 persons
D H Wells sealed 12 couple & W Woodruff 23. The following persons
were sealed to Wilford Woodruff sen By D H Wells Phebe W. Woodruff Proxy
Bulah Hart, (Daughter of Asahel & Anna Kilborn ^Hart^ Born & died in Conneticut
Laura Haskins Born & died in Simsbury Conn.
Marietta Haskins [Born & died in Simsbury Conn.]
Sophia Carter Born in Lynn Mass & died there
Phebe Hazleton Born & died in Maine
Rachael Smith Born & died in Scarboro Maine
Eunice Fitz Born and died in Maine
Patty Milliken Born & died in Maine Total 8.
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