Day in the Life

Apr 2, 1870

Journal Entry

April 02, 1870 ~ Saturday

April 2nd 1870

I Attended the school of the prophets & speeches were made By Pres-
ident Wells & several of the Twelve I went to the News office
& signed the Protest against the Passage of the Cullom Bill
By the Senate. A contribution was taken up in the school to pay for
sending the Papers & Pamphlet to each Member of Congress
some $75 was collected. I attended the funeral of Mother Jordan
R L Campbells wife she was 70 years old. When I preached in
Scotland in 1845 she walked 40 miles to see an Apostle &
hear me Preach. During the funeral the Boys let my Horses
run away & Broak up the waggon some. I have been in vary poor
health for a week with a cold on the Lungs


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Apr 2, 1870