Sunday I met with my Quorum in the Morning &
attended Meeting all day in the Tabernacle A large Number of
strangers were present The Boston Board of trade arived on
saturday Night in Eleven of the Pullman Palace cars which
[cost] $220000 dollars $20000 each. The company consisted of 120
persons of the rich Merchants & Nabobs of the city of Boston
they Attended Meetings both forenoon & Afternoon I spoke
to them one hour in the foorenoon & preached in great plainness
the gospel of Christ was followed By G. A. Smith 19 Minutes
Afternoon President Young spoke 45 Minutes to some 300
strangers & a large congregation of Saints all gave Good
Attention At the close of the Meeting the Presidency &
Twelve Apostles were Invited to go down & take supper in
the Pulman Palace Cars. President Young G A Smith &
D. H. Wells & O Pratt J. Taylor W. Woodruff & G Q Cannon
of the Twelve went down went through the whole train was
introduced to all the Gentlemt & Ladies & partook of a grand
feast with the Board of Directors of the comp[an]y in going through
this long train of Palace cars & visiting their printing office
whare a daily paper was printed & [ca] their stoor room then
dining room, parlor, sleeping rooms, all lighed with gass
Manufactured as they go along was wonderful it looked
like going through a street in Boston. We had a vary
severe cold rain storm while visiting the cars we left
& met at Presid[en]t Youngs office & attended to prayers
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