31. I travelled through the city in a rain snow & hail storm
visiting Friends I first called upon Elias Smith, & we read
the Long tedious fals Cragan speech, upon Utah affairs I
next visited Brother Fulsome & saw the American Beehive now
being Made I then called upon Wm Johnson & we visited
the Kidder Beehive. We then visited the American side of every
movable comb Hive did not like it we then visited
Brother Faust Italian Bees, then visited Brother Thurston
New Bee Hive, & Bees. liked his hive putty well then visited
Brother Roberts & Brigham H Youngs Bees, then visited
Paul Shutlers Imported Fowels, Many different kinds which
were vary fine He has a dozen different kinds of imported
Fowles He sells his Eggs tfor $10 & $5 per doz He is selling
them through many parts of the Territory which is a Blessing
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