25 Met at 10 oclok & herd the finishing testimony against
Brother Johnson, then a speech from two councellers then
a speech from G. A. Smith G. Q. Cannon & Presid[en]t Young
& the speeches of all cleared Bishop Johnson & condemned his
accusers for they did not prove one crime against him or hardly
a fault But the Accusations arose through Jeleousy & party spirit
President Young said a Bishop could not be tryed ownly By a
High Council & the first Presidency. The ownly fault President
Young could find with Brother Johnson was his interlining the
constitution of the cooperation with the words "And the Board" which
He supposed was in the Original if it was left out in the copying the
board should have been consulted but there was No crime or Evil
intended in the matter. He & all the speakers reproved all the accusers
vary strongly. A vote was taken to sustain Brother Johnson which
was Unanimous exept some of his accusers
At the close of the trial the school of the prophets Met & was
Addressed By O. Pratt G A Smith G Q Cannon & W Woodruff
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