Day in the Life

Dec 1, 1870

Journal Entry

December 01, 1870 ~ Thursday

21. In company with Brower Pettit I left the city & rode
to the Lake in Utah west of Lehi & I spent 11 days with him
fishing & hunting we caught a ton of fish & some 150 ducks 8 geese
& 3 otter. Brother Pettit shought all 3 of otter in some 15 Minutes
we had some Rough weather on the lake


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Letter to the Presiding Elders of the Different Settlements, 1 December 1870
Salt Lake City, . To the Presiding Elders of the Different Settlements. DEAR BRETHREN: Pursuant to instructions from the DESERET PARENT SOCIETY, we respectfully solicit your Co-operation in carrying out the objects of the Society, viz: the general introduction, improvement and culture of HORSES, HORNED STOCK, SHEEP, BEES, FISH, FOWLS, etc., in the various Wards of the Territory. We have appointed a Standing Committee from the members of the Parent Society, in each of these departments. Their names are as follows: ON HORSES, H. J. FAUST, Chairman, PETER NEBEKER, HEBER P. KIMBALL, JOSEPH A. YOUNG, WM. THORNE, JNO. HOUTZ, CHAS. DECKER. ON HORNED STOCK, BRIANT STRINGAM, Chairman. W. C. RYDALCH, JNO. PACK, SEN., WM. JENNINGS, L. D. YOUNG. ON SHEEP, CHAS. CRISMON, SEN., Chairman. CHRISTOPHER LAYTON, JOSEPH HARKER, J. H. PICKNELL, THOS. KING. ON BEES, S. H. PUTNAM, Chairman. MOSES THURSTON, P. H. YOUNG, B. H. YOUNG, W. D. ROBERTS. ON FISH, A. MILTON MUSSER, Chairman. A. P. ROCKWOOD, R. T. BURTON, BROWER PETTIT, REUBEN MILLER. ON SWINE & FOWLS, PAUL A. SCHETTLER, Chairman. CHAS. R. SAVAGE, GEO. NAYLOR, GEO. HOGGAN, W. D. ROBERTS. Almost any information you may desire on these subjects can be readily obtained through these Commmittees, by placing yourselves in correspondence with them. From time to time, the Society will furnish articles treating on these various subjects, through the Deseret News and Salt Lake Herald, whose Editors have courteously extended this privilege to us. We respectfully suggest and urge the immediate organization of AUXILIARY SOCIETIES in each of your Wards, and that, through their Corresponding Secretaries, you report to us the details of your organizations, with your successes and any general information you can obtain, that will aid in the furtherance of the cause. Some of our Agents have gone, and others are going, to the STATES and CANADAS to make purchases of Choice Selec- tions of STOCK, BEES, FISH, FOWLS, etc. We would recommend the judgment and fidelity of these Agents to you, and intimate that, in our opinion, you cannot find better opportunities to send for good BULLS, HEIFERS, STALLIONS, SHEEP, BEES, FISH, etc. It is well understood that large numbers can be bought and freighted through at a much cheaper rate than where but a few are ordered at one time. Those who prefer, can send their orders through, and make their remittances to, ELDER R. L. CAMPBELL, Trea- surer of said Parent Society. We earnestly trust that you will take hold of these matters with a spirit and energy worthy of the cause, and thereby promote the General Interests and Welfare of the Saints. Very respectfully, your Brethren and Fellow-Laborers, W. WOODRUFF, PRESIDENT, A. MILTON MUSSER, SECRETARY.


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Dec 1, 1870