Day in the Life

Dec 21, 1870

Journal Entry

December 21, 1870 ~ Wednesday

19 to 23. I spent this week shucking corn at the farm & finished
on Friday the 23. The weather was exceding cold


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Letter from William Dewitte Roberts, 21 December 1871
Indianapolis, Ind., . Willford Woodruff. and Brethren of the Association Agreable to promise at the close of the 1st day of the National Convention, I send you a short report of the proceedings. Convention met at 10 a.m. organised temporarly, and immediately proceeded to buisnes by: electing a committy on organization composed of one member from each State reprisented: Utah Delegate, and one from Canada, included Also a committy of five on busines to establish regulations for the days proceeding. The assoiation is now organised with Pres, five Vice Pres, Sec, Ass, Sec, Tres, ^and^ Exectutive committy, to consist of Pres, Vice Pres'ts Sec, and Tres. do. Title of the association is, the North Amer- ican Bee Keepers association, North American, (for the reason that Canada is included)


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Dec 21, 1870