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Day in the Life

Dec 31, 1870

Journal Entry

December 31, 1870 ~ Saturday

31. I Attended the School of the Prophets & reprooved some Bishops for
permitting Bad conduct in their parties this Being the last day of 1870
I helped eat a Turkey of Br A. O. Smoots A synopsis of 1870 is on another page


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Smoot, Abraham Owen
17 Feb 1815 - 6 Mar 1895
556 mentions
1835 Southern Convert

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Discourse 1870-12-31
Elder W. W. Woodruff had visited Fort Herriman preached there, and attended a party— He bitterly complained of conduct which he had been eyewitness to in Bp Gardners ward ^at a party^ and was sorry that Bp Gardner was not present to day—Bishops ought to be the most honest of any people in the Territory—and especially those who have charge of cooperative stores, and not permit their wives and daughters to draw goods out of the store without Keeping out any account of it— Bp Gardner ought to be had before Bp Hunter and tried for such conduct— in permitting such deviltry to exist in his ward.


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Dec 31, 1870