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Day in the Life

Jan 28, 1871

Journal Entry

January 28, 1871 ~ Saturday

[FIGURES] 28. I received 5 letters & wrote one to Wilford I attended the
school of the Prophets & spoke upon the subject of forming Cooperative
Stock Herds & was followed By many others upon the same subject. I
administered to 2 sick children Jacob Townsend & Mary Woodruff


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Woodruff, Mary Catherine Lloyd
4 Dec 1870 - 12 Jan 1961
6 mentions
Woodruff, Wilford (Jr.)
22 Mar 1840 - 9 May 1921
699 mentions

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Discourse 1871-01-28
Elder W. Woodruff said, in behalf of the parent associ ation, for the introduction of Improved stock, Bees, swine, sheep &c &c, while they were calling ^upon^ other counties to cooperativee with them in establishing branch associations—it was very necessary for us in Salt Lake County to start in a cooperative effort to herd our stock, so as to have the ranch cleared of all that is now running loose—have a regular system on an upright principle that every one may have their rights—there as been a great amount of dishonesty practised by individuals who have undertaken to take stock & sheep on shares, and we want to do away with this.


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Jan 28, 1871