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Day in the Life

Jan 30, 1871

Journal Entry

January 30, 1871 ~ Monday

30, & 31. I spent the time at the farm but was vary unwell with a cold upon
My lungs I returned to the City & found 3 of my children sick 2
of Sarah's her babe Charles Henry was vary low ^[FIGURES] I ordained him an Elder^


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Woodruff, Charles Henry
5 Dec 1870 - 2 Feb 1871
3 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
694 mentions


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Letter to Brothers Harris and Crawshaw, 30 January 1871
S. L. City, . Bros. Harris & Crawshaw Yours of the 23rd inst. came duly to hand. The Books reached here safely & in good condition. The Utah Central charged 25 dts from Ogden to this city. Brotherly Yours. Wilford Woodruff. pr. R.S.C


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Jan 30, 1871