Day in the Life

Feb 1, 1871

Journal Entry

February 01, 1871 ~ Wednesday

Feb 1. I was quite unwell Sarah's child was sinking vary fast


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Woodruff, Charles Henry
5 Dec 1870 - 2 Feb 1871
3 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
707 mentions

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Letter to the Presiding Elders, and All Others Interested, in the Different Settlements, 1 February 1871
Salt Lake City, U.T., To the Presiding Elders, and all Others Interested, in the Different Settlements: DEAR BRETHREN: Press of business obliges us to adopt the following method of answering the numerous questions being asked respecting the prices and the best kinds of Horses, Horned Stock, Sheep, Bees, Fish, Fowls, Etc., and the easiest, safest and most expeditious way of obtaining them for propagation and culture. Please make the contents of this Circular, and the former one, as public as you can, so that the objects of the Society may be clearly understood, and most earnestly promoted in all your Settlements, by all those inter- ested in the prosperity of a rapidly growing people, and thus oblige yourselves, and, Respectfully, Your Brethren in the Gospel, W. WOODRUFF, PRESIDENT. A. MILTON MUSSER, SECRETARY. Deseret Parent Society, for Introduction and Culture of Stock, Bees, Fish, Etc. HORSES: STALLIONS -- EASTERN PRICES: Hamiltons, (Trotters and Roadsters,) from $2,000 to $20,000 Normandys, full blood, [from] 2,000 [to] 20,000 [Normandys,] half blood, (Draft and Roadsters, recommended by the Horse Committee for this country,) [from] 400 [to] 1,000 Messengers, [from] 500 [to] 1,000 Morgans, [from] 300 [to]1,000 St. Lawrence, French, [from] 300 [to] 800 Clyde (heavy draft), from $500 to $2,000 Copper Bottom, [from] 300 [to] 600 JACKS, [from] 600 [to] 5,000 BROOD MARES, [from] 150 [to] 300 CARRIAGE BUDDY and TEAM, per Span, [from] 300 [to] 600 CANADIAN PONIES, per span, [from] 200 [to] 300 HORNED STOCK -- EASTERN PRICES: FULL BLOOD SHORT SHORNED DURHAM. BULLS, Two Year Old, from $250 to $300 [BULLS,] One [Year Old] [from] 150 [to] 200 HEIFERS , Two Year Old, from $150 to $200 [HEIFERS,] One [Year Old,] [from] 100 [to] 150 The Committee and Society earnestly hope that the Presiding Elders in each County will take immediate steps to procure say two Two Year Old Bulls, and two Two Year Old Heifers, with which to retain and perpetuate a pure breed, and to cross with our best Cows. Calves from a Durham Bull, and our best common Cows will make good stock for beef or milk. A Bull should leap a Cow but once, and not be put to more than two Cows per day, and from 100 to 150 Cows per season. If two car loads are ordered at one time, the freight will be about 40 per cent, on the first cost of the horned stock. Twelve animals is an average car load. The greater the number bought at one time and place, the cheaper the cost and freight. SHEEP -- Recommended by the Committee, to Cross with our Common Sheep: BUCKS, Full Blood, price here, from $75 to $100 [BUCKS] Half Breeds, [from] 25 [to] 50 EWES, Full Bloods, from $50 to $ 75 [EWES] Half Breeds, [from] 15 [to] 30 The following persons have them for sale: C. Layton, Kaysville; Chas. Crimson, sen., Salt Lake City; Samuel Bennion and Joseph Harker, West Jordan. ITALIAN BEES: DELIVERED HERE IN BEST APPROVED PATENT HIVE AT $20 PER STAND. TROUT: Trout, one inch long, $30 per 1,000 in the East, or $40 per 1,000 delivered at your nearest Express Station. Sent any distance in January, February and March in cans or barrels. Impregnated Trout Spawn, sold in the East at $10 per 1,000 UNDER 5,000, and $8 per 1,000 OVER 5,000, sent between 1st of November and March, packed in box of Moss, which is put in a tin pail filled with sawdust. Neither Trout or eggs can be forwarded without an attendant. Trout and spawn can be had of Messrs. Green & Collins, Mumford, Monroe Co., New York. WORKS ON FISH CULTURE: Trout Culture, by Seth Green, (good work), sold by Green & Collins, post paid, at $1 each, or $7 20 per dozen. Norris American Fish Culture, (good work), sold by Green & Collins, post paid, at $1 75 each, or $18 00 per dozen. Agricultural Report (Patent Office,) for 1868. R. L. Campbell, at Historian's Office, has a few copies for distribution. James Dwyer, of this City, will order any of the above Books. These works on Fish will direct Committees and others how to procure Trout and Spawn from our numerous mountain streams, for stocking ponds with. FOWLS, RABBITS, and PIGS: Eastern Prices, Per PAIR: BUFF COCHINS, from $10 to $35 CREVE COEURS, [from] 12 [to] 25 HOUDANS, [from] 8 [to] 30 BLACK ROYAL JAVAS, [from] 8 [to] 20 DARK BRAHMAS, [from] 12 [to] 25 LIGHT BRAHMAS, [from] 7 [to] 12 LEGHORNS, [from] 6 [to] 10 DOMINIQUES, BOTLTON GREYS, [from] 6 [to] 10 WHITE and BLACK SPANISH, [from] 6 [to] 12 Silver and Golden Pencilled and Spangled Hamburgs, [from] 7 [to] 12 GAMES, all Varieties, [from] 7 [to] 12 RABBITS: MADAGASCAR OR LOP-EARED, from $12 to $20 COMMON, according to Age and Quality, [from] 4 [to] 6 PIGS: Ohio Improves Chester, two Months Old, from $35 to $ Chester County Whites, [two Months Old,] [from 20 [to] 25 Berkshires, two Months Old, [from] 30 [to] 40 Creve Coeurs, Houdans, Leghorns, White and Black Spanish are non-setters, and almost Perpetual Layers, The Black Javas are the Best Winter Layers. The Creve Coeurs and Black Spanish are rather tender in cold climates. They and the Houdans are just the birds for our Dixie. Express charges on Fowls, from $2 50 to $6 per head. On, Pigs, from 24 to 40 cents per lb. If bought and forwarded in connection with Stock, the freight would be comparatively Light. Eggs from above kinds of Fowls are sold here for $3 to $6 per dozen. To insure successful incubation, they must be carried very carefully. Fowls, Eggs, Pigs and Rabbits, are now for sale in this City by P. A. Schettler, Chas. R. Savage, and others. REMITTANCES made to R. L. Campbell, Treasurer of the Parent Society, for Horses, Horned Stock, Sheep, Bees, Fish, and Spawn, must be accompanied with full and clear directions, and will be attended to, when a sufficient number is ordered, to justify the sending of judicious Agents to purchase and forward them.


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Feb 1, 1871