Day in the Life

Aug 26, 1871

Journal Entry

August 26, 1871 ~ Saturday

I26. I Attended the school of the prophets. Many subjects
were brought up & speeches Made President Young presented the
subject of Making our will. He recommended to divid our
property into so many shares & then divide the shares to
the wives & children according to our mind & will.


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3469 mentions
Apostle, Family

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Discourse 1871-08-26
Elder W. Woodruff said the nearer we get to the Lord, the more Mercy we see displayed towards erring humanity—hence it is that Prest Young entertains the most merciful feelings towards those who have done wrong and would gladly assst towards reclaiming them—And he for one did not feel like saying anything to oppose it


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Aug 26, 1871