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Day in the Life

Sep 30, 1871

Journal Entry

September 30, 1871 ~ Saturday

30. I Attended the school of the Prophets

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Discourse 1871-09-30
Elder W. W. Woodruff said, our success as a people depended on our faithfulness in keeping the commandments of God. Neither the Ancient Saints, nor the latter day Saints can obtain ^the^ blessings of God on any other principle. No principle was ever revealed to the sons of men, but what was intended for their observance. He believed their was sufficient integrity however ^among the saints^ who are doing their best in obeying the laws of God, to preserve us from the hands of the wicked. He had great faith in prayer, and re- commended the school to bear up continually before the Lord, the anointed of God. told up He once heard a simple, fervent prayer offered in Circle by the Prophet Joseph when in deep trouble, and was answered in three days. We should also pray for our enemies, for if ever any poor devils needed praying for, the Judges, Lawyers, &c in our midst needed it. Let us be valient for the truth and stand up like men in the cause of Zion


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Sep 30, 1871