Bulah child Preston was taken vary sick I adm[inistere]d
to it. The council met at 10 oclok I had a severe head ake yet
I attended sister Eliza Snows surprise party at the 14 ward it
was a grand affair, it was a party got up in honor of her birth
day & she had no knowledge of it whatever until she was taken
in a carriage & set down at the 14 ward assembly room whare
were assembled 100 Ladies from some 20 wards & the Presidency
& Twelve with a rich table spread the whole length of the Hall. the
Feast opened by prayer thare was singing & speeches & finally
a large Piramid kake presented to Eliza R. Snow which she
received & made a speech [Eliza R. Snow Discourse] the Table was then filled with
the rich products of the Earth of which the company partook
Sister Snow cut up her cake which was distributed to the
company present she found deposited in a Box under the cake
over $200 in green backs the whole Party passed off plesantly
I attended the lecture in the evening of Mr McDonald
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