Salt Lake City, .
To the Honorable, the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah:
Gentlemen:—The accompanying exhibit of the Deseret Agricultural and Manu-
facturing Society shows its financial condition at the present date.
The Society, through its agents, has imported about $12,000 of blooded stock,
mostly short horn Durham cattle, which have been purchased by the citizens of the
Territory, the largest share of them has been retained in Salt Lake County. From
Col. Peter Saxe were bought 24 full blooded Cotswold sheep which cost $2,530.
The amount invested by the Agricultural Society in Durham stock, viz: $550,
although a blessing to the country, yet to the Society will probably accrue no financial
profit, perhaps a loss.
The investment in the Fish Association is also a public benefit and the friends of
the same are sanguine that it will result in much good to the Territory. In connec-
tion with this department the report of the Superintendent of the Fish Association is
herewith submitted.
The Society deem it advisable to hold a Fair the coming season, and for this
purpose ask your honorable body to appropriate one thousand dollars to be awarded
in premiums, and five hundred dollars to assist in holding such an exhibition as will
reflect credit on our thriving Territory.
A report pertaining to the introduction of the Cachmere or Angora Goat is also
herewith submitted.
Respectfully submitted by
President of the Deseret Agricultural and Manufacturing Society.
FINANCIAL EXHIBIT, Deseret Agricultural and Manufacturing Society,
January, 1872.
Amount of receipts for Sheep, etc., $3,500
Sheep on hand, estimated at 300
Paid Premiums and expenses, $498.50
[Paid] Investment (made by Stock and Bee Association) in Durham Stock, 550.00
[Paid] In Fish Association, 400.00
On hand, 2,351.50 $3,800
ROBT. L. CAMPBELL, Treasurer.
Salt Lake City, January 28nd, 1872.
Hon. W. Woodruff, President, and Directors of Deseret Agricultural and Manu-
facturing Society:
Gentlemen:—Pursuant to your request, I herewith submit a brief report of the preliminary preparations for the artificial propagation and cultivation of fish.