Letter to Emma Smith Woodruff, 5 February 1872
Salt Lake City Jan
My Dear Emma
I have had it in my mind for
some time to get you a Black dress but the
Many Calls has preevented me I have not had
my rent yet but I Borrowed $10 this morning
I send you $56 & the children $4. I would like
you to buy you a ^Black^ dress such as will suit you
& if $6 will not pay for it I will pay for it
when I get my rent. I wanted to let the children
have something I wanted to let Asahel have something
for his birth day Bless the Lad he is a good boy &
I love him for his good princples. please say nothing
about this outside of the family I expect to come
Down on Friday night & come up in the morning
God Bless you
Yours Truly
W. Woodruff