Day in the Life

Aug 6, 1872

Journal Entry

August 06, 1872 ~ Tuesday

5. Aug a General Election to day through Utah

5 to 10. I spent the week drawing Hay & binding wheat I attended
a meeting of the Board of D. A. & M. Society in the Evening


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I stoped Bwith Br Thatcher two of his sons George & John, while in Calafornia killed a Mountain Lion or Panther with their Hands & feet without any weapon that measured 9 feet from tip of nose to End of tail 2 1/2 feet high & weighed 160 lbs He Jumped on to Johns Back in a dark night He caught him around the Jaw bak
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from Frederick Merryweather, 6 August 1872
Sacramento Dear Br Woodruff By the request of Br Garlick, I write to let you know how we are doing in Sacramento. Br Lowba came here last fall and organized a branch of the Church, since then we have held meetings every Sunday, and have had a good degree of the Holy Spirit, in its light, and Intelligence. The old saints who are here mostly belong to the young Josephites, and do not come to our meetings. If any of the Elders should be coming this way Br Garlick would like them to call on him, he lives on Second street between N and O streets, we have had one letter from Br Lowba from New York, he could not find any saints there. It seems to me that the Old saints have got into a state of darkness in regard to the old Church, and their minds are no longer enlightened by the spirit of Truth, and having lost that, they are liable to be deceived by anything that comes along, here we find some of them Spiritualists, some Second Adventists, some Josephits, but in themselves seem to have no true foundation, so that when Christ comes they will be found among the foolish virgins with their lamps gone out, and no oil or light of the Holy Spirit to replenish them. [Matthew 25:1-13]


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Aug 6, 1872