19 Cloudy & cool. we took a walk with Mr Goodman
& viewed the Central Pacific Machine shop & Manufac-
turing Esstablishment, it was a ponderous affair & cost a large
amount of Money. We attended the Raisece grounds & saw Woodburn & Norfork Run. Woodburn Beat first Heat
1 mile 1.43 3/4. 2nd Heat 1.49. Then Horses troted in Harness 2.34
Then another trot & Lady Blanchard beat 3 Heats out of 5
time 2.40. It was vary chilly. In the Evening we called
upon Robert Beck, The secretary, who gave us a free ticket
to the State Fair & went with us through the Pavilion in
Sacramento containing all the articles of the fair except
the stock we returned to our room in the Grand Hotel
whare we had taken up our abode. We Telegraphed to President
Young. I received the Following Note. W. Woodruff The Atlan-
tic & pacific Telegraph line is hereby tendered to your
use free when convenient. Yours F L Vanderborsh
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