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Day in the Life

Nov 10, 1872

Journal Entry

November 10, 1872 ~ Sunday

10 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended Meeting
in the 14 ward John R. Winder Bishop in the evening Br Ship spoke I followed

[FIGURE] The City of Boston has been burning now for 24 hour ^$^100000000
dollar worth of property Destroyed. Telegraph say 300 Acres of the Heart
of the City burned. I red in Meeting the latter part of the 4' section
of the Doctrins & Covenants containing the commandment of the
Lord to Newel K Whitney to go to the cities of Albany New York,
& Boston & warn those cities of the utter Desolation which awaited
them if they rejected the gospel & the Message sent to them if they did
their hour of Desolation was Nigh & their house should be left unto
them Desolate & this is the begining of the fulfillment I spoke about 40 M[inutes]
& was folowed by O Pratt


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102 mentions
7 mentions
Whitney, Newel Kimball
1795-02-03/05 - 23 Sep 1850
26 mentions
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1037 mentions


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Nov 10, 1872