Day in the Life

Apr 26, 1874

Journal Entry

April 26, 1874 ~ Sunday

26 Sunday Met at 10 oclok with the Assembly we met
with the Bishops & Elders at 9 oclok to chuse officers for
the organization. W. Woodruff spoke in the forenoon followed
By E Snow & A Cannon the spirit of God rested
upon us In the Afternoon we had a crouded house
& organized the Assembly into the United Order of
Zion and Elected the officers to preside over them I
Keys crossed should judge three fourths of the Assembly voted
to Unite with the United Order. W. Woodruff
A O. Smoot & E Snow spoke the spirit of God rested
upon the people. In the Evening the people met in there
various wards A. O. Smoot & myself met in the 3rd
ward A. O. Smoot & myself met in Both spoke I
spent the night with Brother Smoot distance to provo 50 M


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Smoot, Abraham Owen
17 Feb 1815 - 6 Mar 1895
584 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Cannon, Angus Munn
17 May 1834 - 7 Jun 1915
Snow, Erastus
9 Nov 1818 - 27 May 1888
698 mentions


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Discourse 1874-04-26
ELDER W. WOODRUFF said: I met in this house when it was dedi- cated to the Lord and I was very glad to see a house built after the Prysby- terian style, filled by prophets and apostles; it being the first that was built by the Latter-day Saints; I feel so to- day to meet with so many of the Saints to worship the Lord our God; I have listened with a great deal of attention to the teachings of yesterday by the servants of God; for a long time I have thought and asked myself the question where are the Saints drifting to; I saw and realized that a change was neces- sary to save the people; I have medit- ated upon the condition of our country and of our nation that is fast going down, therefore the Lord is calling upon his people to unite, and you and I live in the dispensation of the fullness of times; it is the greatest that has ever been upon the earth, for it will gather all things into one and the principles that have been laid before you by brother Snow and Cannon will prepare the hearts of people to receive the truth and prepare the way for the coming of the Son of Man; what did the world know about the gospel of Jesus Christ for the last 1,700 years, until God called Joseph Smith in his youth, raised him up and educated and prepared him to lay the foundation of this great and mighty work, and offer to the world truth, the principles of life and salva- tion; Luther and others were called to introduce principles of liberty and they done good work for many years, and in process of time Columbus discover- ed America, and our puritan forefa- thers who came over in the Mayflower, and the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution that was framed by our forefathers when they met in Philadelphia; we acknowledge that the hand of God was in all this to pre- pare the way for the gospel, and Jo- seph Smith was inspired of God and we are well acquainted with him, we have traveled with him, eat and slept with him and knew him well, and know what he passed through and en- dured until his blood was shed; Jo- seph lived long enough to establish this work and before his death he com- mitted the keys of the kingdom to his brethren, and he has gone to preach to the spirits in prison that have died since the days of Jesus and his Apos- tles, and he has organized the church there the same as he did here. Pres- ident Young has brought us here where no marks had been made by any of the Anglo-Saxon race after we were driven from our homes; we as Latter- day Saints have got to unite and do the will of the Lord, build temples to his holy name and receive the blessings of the Lord and assist in the fulfillment of the revelations of God, for Babylon is nearly ripe for destruction, for God will cut his work short in righteous- ness; the nation has rejected this work as a general thing; this is the work of God and He will defend his people; the revelations say, woe to that people or nation that shall lift up their arms against the Lord's anointed, for they will be destroyed, and on whomsoever the little stone that was cut out of the mountain without hands shall fall upon it will grind them to powder. Let us unite for the defense of Zion, for it is worth more than we possess to gain eternal life; let us remember Geo. Q. Cannon, who is in the halls of Con- gress in Washington, in our prayers, that God may sustain him, and if the saints unite and be faithful we shall come off triumphant from this time henceforth and forever, which may God grant for Christ's sake, amen. ELDER A. M. CANNON said: I can say that I rejoice that I live to see this day, no doubt many questions will be asked and you will hear a great deal said about this new order; you must re- member when you were first baptised the truth was not all told, the princi- ples of truth, of life and salvation are revealed to the people as fast as they are prepared to receive them. He then touched upon the parable of the ten virgins; his remarks were very appro- priate and applicable to the situation of the people and in conclusion said may God help us to be faithful that we may exist eternally in glory is my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


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Poland Act passed by Congress becomes legal basis for the prosecution of polygamists in the 1870s and 1880s.

Apr 26, 1874