day, .
I DID not have the privilege of listening to
all the remarks of Elder Taylor this fore-
noon, yet to what I did hear I can bear tes-
timony of its truth. I always delight in
seeing a man valiant in the testimony of
Jesus Christ. There is something glorious
in the principles of the Gospel. I always
did, from my boyhood, hope and pray
that I might live long enough in the earth
to find some man who would have suffi-
cient courage and independence of mind
to believe in the same doctrine and gospel
that Jesus Christ taught, and I have lived
long enough to see, hear and partake of
it, and I glory in it, because it is true.
The religion or gospel of Jesus Christ is
a very unpopular thing, and has been in
every age of the world. Show me a man
who was ever inspired of the Lord God of
Israel to do a work for him who was popu-
lar. You can not find such a man in the
whole history of the world. You may
take Noah, who was about a hundred and
twenty years building an ark, and how
many friends did he have? I think about
eight in all. [Genesis 7:7] Lot was very unpopular the
morning he left Sodom and Gomorrah,
and so have been all the patriarchs and
prophets in every age of the world. [Genesis 19:1-17] Je-
sus Christ, when he came to Jerusalem,
the Son of God, the Savior of the world,
the great Shiloh of the Jews, came to his
own father's house, yet there was not a
man more despised in all Judea and Jeru-
salem than was Jesus Christ, from the
day of his birth until he came to the cross.
Why is this? Because men love darkness
rather than light, because their deeds are
evil. [Doctrine and Covenants 10:21] The Lord Almighty, in the last
days, has set his hand to carry out and
fulfill his words for the past five or six
thousand years, given through the mouths
of his servants the prophets and apostles
whenever he has had them on the
earth. He has commenced this work and
be will perform it, for, as Brother Taylor
has justly said, there is no power on the
earth that can stay his hand, for the sim-
ple reason that God controls the destinies
of all men—kings, princes, rulers, presi-
dents, statesmen, governors, nations,
tongues and people, upon the face of the
whole earth, and men are placed in a posi-
tion where they are under the necessity of
exercising faith in God in order to build
up his kingdom. Read the eleventh chap-
ter of Hebrews and you will find that, be-
ginning with the creation of the world,
everything has been accomplished by faith.
The whole of the work of all the ancient
patriarchs and prophets was accomplished
by the exercise of this principle; and it is
just so in the last dispensation of the ful-
ness of times, when God sent angels to
Joseph Smith. He knew and understood,
by the teachings given unto him, what he
had to perform in a measure. The Lord
called him to do a work, and raised him
up for this purpose. Was Joseph Smith
popular among men? No, never, he was
persecuted until the day of his death, un-
til he sealed his testimony with his blood.
But the persecution against him, and the
unbelief of the world do not make the
truth of God without effect. The Lord
has carried out and fulfilled all these pro-
phecies from the commencement until
now; there never has been a jot or tittle
allowed to fall unfulfilled, there never was
a revelation, from the days of Father
Adam until this, given by the inspiration
of the Holy Ghost through the mouth of
patriarch or prophet that will fall unful-
filled. Though the heavens and the earth
pass away these things will not fail of
their fulfillment, and, as Brother Taylor
has said, the world cannot stay the work
of God. They never have done and they
never will.
This is a different dispensation from all
others. God has set to his hand to build
up his kingdom and Zion, and that king-
dom and Zion must be built up, or the
revelations of God will fall unfulfilled.
The Bible is full of these teachings, and
they must have their fulfillment, and I
bear testimony to their truth. The Bible
is true, and its prophecies were spoken by
holy men of old as they were moved upon
by the Holy Ghost. The revelations of
Isaiah concerning the building up of the
Zion of God in the last days will have
their fulfillment. The House of God will
be established upon the tops of the moun-
tains, and all nations must flow unto it.
Zion must arise and put on her beautiful
garments, she must be clothed with the
glory of her God. [Doctrine and Covenants 82:14] The temple of God has
got to be built also upon the tops of the
mountains; the gospel must be preached
to every nation under heaven before the
end shall come.
The world say they do not believe these
things; that is true, we do not expect
them, we never have expected them to be-
lieve them, but the unbelief of the world
does not change the work of God. We
have to live by faith. When Moroni hid
in the earth, the record which the Book of
Mormon was translated from, four hun-
dred years after Christ came in the flesh,
he did it by faith, as much so as Noah
built the ark. He looked forward and
saw that record come forth in the last
days, in fulfillment of the sayings of Eze-
kiel and of the saying of Isaiah, when the
stick of Joseph should be put with the
stick of Judah, and they should become
one stick in the hands of the servants of
the Lord before the eyes of the world, and
when the truth should spring out of the
earth and righteousness look down from
heaven. These things were to be a begin-
ning of the great work of God preparatory
to the gathering of the twelve tribes of
Israel in the latter days. That work has
come forth, just as everything has been
fulfilled which has been done by faith and
by the commandment of God.
When Joseph Smith began to receive
revelations from God he was a boy, an il-
literate youth; and had he not had faith
and the inspiration of the Almighty upon
him, he never could have had power and
courage to go forth and introduce the gos-
pel of Jesus Christ in the midst of a gen-
eration of false doctrine, ignorance and
darkness. But God preserved, inspired
and sustained him, and caused him to live
upon the earth until he had planted this
kingdom, in fulfillment of the revelations.
He organized the church, he received the
holy priesthood from the hands of angels
sent from God—men who had held the
Aaronic and Melchizedek priesthood in
other generations upon the earth; they
conferred upon Joseph all the powers and
keys of the priesthood necessary to build
up the kingdom of God upon the earth,
and he lived long enough to organize that
kingdom, and it will never be thrown
down any more for ever.
The revelations of God to us have been
encouraging, and we have seen them ful-
filled and we shall continue to do so until
the end. I will say to the Latter-day
Saints, that we are in the same position
that other generations have been—we have
got to walk by faith, we must have confi-
dence in the fulfillment of the revelations
of God. No man or woman on the face of
the earth will ever be disappointed with
regard to the fulfillment of the word of
the Lord, for he has uttered decrees, made
covenants and through his servants the
prophets has declared his word and will
concerning the world and its inhabitants,
and not one of his sayings will fail, all
must be fulfilled. If it could be other-
wise the Zion of God would never be built
up, but God has decreed that his king-
dom will be established, that Zion will
arise and shine, and that every weapon
formed against her will be broken.
The prayers of hundreds and thousands
of Saints, dwelling in these valleys of the
mountains, daily ascend into the ears of
the Lord of Sabaoth, beseeching him to
fulfill his word upon the earth and to sus-
tain his servants. Do not the Saints pray
for anybody else? Yes, they pray for
ever[y]body—for President Grant, Judge
McKean, the Governor of Utah, and every
man holding official positions here as well
as for Brigham Young and the Apostles.
These prayers ascend before the Lord and
they will be heard and answered.
Talk about Brigham Young and Joseph
Smith, how many have said to Joseph
Smith—"How, on the earth do you govern
and control this people? How easy you
do it!" Our enemies, to-day, look at
Brigham Young, and they say—"If he
would only die Mormonism would stop;"
but in this they are mistaken. This work
does not depend upon President Young;
it did not depend upon Joseph Smith.
All the world thought if they could only
slay Joseph Smith there would be an end
of Mormonism, and so there would have
been had it not been the work of God Al-
mighty; if it had been the work of man
it would long since have ceased to exist on
the earth. The power that has sustained
this work from the beginning sustains it
now. As Brother Taylor has said, all the
holy prophets and apostles who have been
slain on the earth for the testimony of Je-
sus and the word of God, and who now
sit on the right hand of God in the heav-
ens, are just as much engaged in carrying
on the work of God here as when they
lived in the flesh, and more so, because
they have more light and power. And
Jesus Christ, himself, who died on the
cross, and after his resurrection visited the
other sheep of his fold on this continent,
and offered the gospel to Jew and Gentile,
that same Jesus is pleading with the Father
to day, and has been from the day his
body lay in the tomb, to carry out and ful
fill his purposes and to accomplish his
work in our day and generation. We are
not alone in our efforts to carry on the
work of God. If the eyes of the world
were open they would see that there are
more for us than against us. We are
only, in one sense of the word, worms of
the dust in the hands of God. This work
does not depend on any man or set of men.
The Lord Almighty has set his hand to
accomplish his purposes, and he is feeling
after the honest and meek throughout
the world, in order to find those who are
willing to take hold and help to build up
his kingdom in the latter days. He has
found a few, and he will find many more.
How has it been with Joseph Smith,
Brigham Young, the apostles, and thou-
sands of the elders of Israel who have
gone forth to preach the gospel to the
world without purse or scrip, offering the
word of life and salvation without money
and without price? They have carried
their knapsacks on their backs, or with va-
lise in hand have travelled thousands and
thousands of miles for this purpose.
They have been inspired to do this by the
power of the Most High God, and that
inspiration has sustained them all the
way through; it has upheld this church
from the time it came forth until this hour,
and will unto its consummation. We
came in here on the 24th of July, 1847,
having been driven from our homes, the
graves of our fathers, and from lands we
purchased from the General Government
because of the word of God and the tes-
timony of Jesus Christ, or, in other words,
because of our religion. We came here
and found a barren desert, containing
nothing but a few roving Indians, coyote
wolves, crickets and grasshoppers. There
was no mark of the Anglo Saxon race or
of the white man here then, but the whole
region of country was a desert of the most
forbidding and desolate character. Now
when strangers come up to Zion on this
great highway, east up in fulfillment of
the revelations of God, what do they see?
They see no longer a desert, but a belt, for
six hundred miles, of cities, towns, vil-
lages, orchards, fields and crops. Who
has done this? The Lord God of Israel
has inspired his Saints to do it. President
Young has been led, guided, counselled
and moved upon by the Holy Ghost and
by the revelations of Jesus Christ, and
that which strangers now behold in this
tabernacle, and throughout this Territory
is in fulfillment of that volume of revela-
tion which you can read in the prophe-
cies of Isaiah and others of the prophets
and patriarchs. These things are true and
your eyes can see them, whether you be-
lieve them or not has nothing to do with
it. I will tell you that if this work had
not been of God, and God had not borne
testimony to the preaching of the elders,
we might have preached until we had been
as old as Methuselah and we could not
have gathered the people from almost
every nation under heaven as we have done,
according to the predictions of the ancient
prophets contained in the Bible. But the
Lord has never disappointed anybody so
far as his work is concerned. It did not
stop after the death of Joseph, and it
never will on account of the death of any
man, prophet, apostle or any other man,
for it is in the hands of God, and he has
decreed that it shall stand for ever, and
that it shall extend until its dominion be-
comes universal.
We do not see to-day what we saw
twenty-four years ago, and we do not see
to-day what will be seen twenty-four years
hence; there will be no stoppage to the
building up of the Zion of God, or to the
carrying out of his work. Joseph Smith
was a Prophet of God, raised up by the
Lord Almighty, and the inspiration of God
guided and sustained him to the day of
his death. He sealed his testimony with
his blood, and that testimony is in force
upon all the world. This record which I
hold in my hands (Book of Doctrine and
Covenants) contains the revelations of God,
and in one of them the Lord says—"Let
earth and hell combine against you, and
they shall not prevail, the kingdom is
yours, I have given it into your hands, and
you are called upon to build it up." [Doctrine and Covenants 6:34] The
Lord is at the helm to govern, guide and
control this work, and he will do so unto
the end.
Now when men undertake to fight
against this work, as Brother Taylor has
said, they fight against God; it is not
against Brigham Young, the apostles or
this people alone, but it is against God.
Every man will be rewarded according to
his works. Our prayers go up before God
day and night, that he will execute jus-
tice, judgment, righteousness and truth,
that he will sustain everything that leads
to good, and does good, and that he will
overthrow all that lead to evil and do
evil; and we are assured by revelation that
the Lord will hear and answer our prayers.
The Lord is with this people; but as Lat-
ter-day Saints, I do not think that we al-
ways prize our privileges. We are called
upon to perform a work; the Lord has
placed this work in our hands, and we are
held responsible before the heavens and
the earth to use the talents—the light and
truth, which have been committed into our
What is this life? What are the things
of this life? The Latter-day saints are
living for things the other side of the
vail, the same as all servants of God have
done in every age of the world. Now is
it not a curiosity that so few of the human
family have an interest in eternal things,
things the other side of the vail? Bless
your souls, our lives here are only a few
days in duration, but on the other side of
the vail we shall live eternally, we shall
live and exist just as long as our Creator
will exist, and our eternal destiny depends
upon the manner in which we spend our
short lives here in the flesh. Will it not
pay any man, any prophet, apostle or
Saint, in this or any other age of the
world, to be true and faithful to his God,
to magnify his calling, to be valiant in the
testimony of Jesus Christ, to preach the
gospel, to bear record of the things of the
kingdom to Jew and Gentile in his day
and generation? Yes, it will pay men to
do right, and men will sorrow and bitterly
regret taking any course in this or any
other generation against God or his work.
What have been the afflictions of the Jews
who rejected Jesus Christ? Why every
word spoken concerning them by Moses
and Jesus has had its fulfillment until the
present day, for hundreds of years past
and gone. They have been a hiss and a
by-word, and trodden under the feet of the
Gentiles, in fulfillment of the words of
Jesus Christ, and they will continue in
their present position until the fullness of
the Gentiles has come in. Jesus offered
his gospel to the Jews in his day, but in
these latter days it has been offered first to
the Gentiles, thus fulfilling the saying that
the first shall be last and the last shall be
first; [Matthew 19:30] and when the Gentiles count them-
selves unworthy of eternal life, the gos-
pel will go to the House of Israel and
they will receive it. [Matthew 20:16] The Gentiles should
heed the warning given them by the Apos-
tle Paul, lest they fall through the exam-
ple of unbelief as did the Jews, who were
broken off because they rejected the Mes-
siah and refused the message of salvation
which he delivered unto them. From
that day to this they have been scattered,
peeled and afflicted; their city was over-
thrown and their temples destroyed, and
the land of their fathers has been in the
hands of Gentile nations until to-day.
The Lord has said—"Vengeance is mine
and I will repay," and we may rest as-
sured that the Lord will reward those who
seek to destroy the lives of his people and
to overthrow his kingdom. [Romans 12:19] Vengeance is
in the hands of the Almighty. "I will
fight your battles," saith the Lord. [Exodus 14:14] We
do not seek any man's hurt, however much
of an enemy he may be to us, we leave
him in the hands of God, we know that
he will reward him, and the reward will be
all that God, Saints, angels, devils or
wicked men can ask, and it will be all that
any man can want. When we undertake
to fight against God we have to pay for it.
Men will have to pay for every sin commit-
ted in the flesh; no matter what they do,
they will have to be accountable for it.
If a man does right, is valiant in the testi-
mony of Jesus Christ, obeys the gospel,
and keeps his covenants, when he passes
to the other side of the vail he has an en-
trance into the presence of God and the
Lamb; having kept celestial law he enters
into celestial glory, he is preserved by that
law, and he participates in that glory
through the endless ages of eternity. It
pays any man under heaven to obey and
be faithful to the law of God the few days
he spends in the flesh. I say to the world,
to every sect under heaven, if you ever
obtain any blessings in the eternal worlds
from anybody at all it will be from the
God the Latter-day Saints worship, for
God made us all; whether we are Metho-
dists, Baptists, Mormons or anything
else we are all the children of one parent.
Then why should we persecute one anoth-
er because of our religion? It is folly in
the highest degree. We live in a land and
under a constitution which guarantees the
right to worship God according to the dic
tates of conscience to every sect, party,
name and denomination under heaven,
then why should we be so narrow-minded
as to hate or seek to persecute or kill our
neighbor because he differs from us in re-
We worship God and we are Latter-day
Saints because we know that the gospel
which has been revealed in these latter
days is true. We have received it and
have realized the promises made to those
who would obey it. The Holy Ghost and
the testimony of Jesus Christ never de-
ceived us, and we have received that testi-
mony while abroad in almost every nation
under heaven. By this power we have
been gathered. That is the reason we are
Mormons, as the world call us. We
know this work is true, we know it is the
gospel of Jesus Christ. We would not
persecute, abuse, or quarrel with any man
because of his religious views. A man's
religion, let it be what it will, is between
him and his God. He is going to the eter-
nal world, and he will receive his reward,
and there is no reason or use in quarrel-
ing about religion, and we have never felt
to do this in our lives. Whatever may
have been said concerning us, our taberna-
cles—this and others—have been open to
every minister who came along, no matter
to what sect or party he belonged. We
are not afraid of our doctrines, and we are
not afraid to have our children hear the
doctrines of others. If any man has got
a truth that we have not got, let us have
it. Truth is what we are after, and we are
not afraid of the doctrines of any man,
we are willing to stand by the revelations
of God. These are the feelings of the Lat-
ter-day Saints. When our Methodist
friends came to this city, erected their
tent and held their big camp meeting, what
was the course pursued by the Latter-day
Saints? The President of the church, the
Twelve Apostles and citizens with their
wives and children gave them a congrega-
tion of many thousands, and we sat in
their tent and listened to them while they
abused us just as much as they pleased.
We believe in giving every man the privi-
lege of saying what he pleases, we have
always been willing to let every man ex-
press his sentiments here among us. We
are not afraid of them. If we have not
the truth, that is what we are after, we
want it. But we know that we have it,
that the gospel as restored, revealed through
Joseph Smith, is the truth of God, and we
know that the Lord has set to his hand to
build up Zion, and he is going to do it.
We bear record of this because we know
it is true.
I pray that God will bless the Latter-day
Saints. I pray that we may prize our
privileges, that we may enjoy the spirit of
our calling, and that the Holy Ghost may
enlighten our minds continually, that we
may not walk in the dark but in the light.
I pray that the Spirit of God may bear re-
cord to the stranger within our gates. I
am satisfied that it does, and it has done
more or less for the forty years that are
past and gone. But it is the same to-day
as it was in the days of Jesus. He told
Nicodemus that light had come into the
world, but men loved darkness rather
than light because their deeds were evil,
and here is where condemnation comes in,
but we can not help that. [John 3:19] My brethren
and I have travelled a great many thou-
sands of miles to preach the gospel to our
fellow-men; we have done this because we
know this gospel is true. We are willing
to stand by this gospel, this testimony
and this work in life and in death, in time
and in eternity. We shall meet the stran-
gers who come here and visit us, on the
other side of the vail; they will meet us
there, and if they never know before, they
will know then that our testimony is true.
I pray God our heavenly Father that he
will bear testimony by his Holy Spirit to
the meek and honest among the children
of men, that they may receive the truth
and be prepared to inherit eternal life, for
Jesus' sake. Amen.