Feb 22, 1875
This is not ownly the birth day of George Washington
But it was ^the^ day when the first couple of Lamanites
were together as man and ^wife^ for time & Eternity at the
Altar in the Endowment House according to the Holy Priesthood
in the last dispensations & fulness of times Wilford Woodruff
sealed at the Alter two couple of Lamanites the first
couple was Indian Name, Name Oheto Cump, But Baptized
and sealed by the name of (James Laman) His wife Name Minie
2nd couple Isiqwich & Mogugah Daniel H Wells & Elias Smith witnesses
Also Dymock Huntington & his two
sisters Precinda & Zinah & some others we gave Endowments
Ifor 36 W Woodruff sealed 11 couple I received 5 letters
I attended the firemans grand Ball at the Theater in honor
of Washingtons Birth day there were about 300 couple present
besides many spectaters Gen Smith, & Stall from Camp
Douglass was presient. President Yo[u]ng was present but did not
stay late
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