Day in the Life

Feb 7, 1876

Journal Entry

February 07, 1876 ~ Monday

7. I set in two picture galleries for my likeness
one for a group of the Legislature to Go to the Centennial
I spent the Afternoon in the council I received
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right 3 letters & wrote 3.

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Political/Government - Claims and Appropriations Committee report, 7 February 1876
Discourse 1876-02-07
Council convened Tuesday, Feb. 7th, at 2 p.m. Councilor Woodruff presented the following report of the Des- eret Agricultural and Manufactur- ing Society, for the years 1874 and 1875, which was read, ordered spread on the minutes and refer- red to the committee on claims and appropriations, with instruc- tions to incorporate in a bill the amount asked for therein: To the Honorable Legislative As- sembly of the Territory of Utah: [G]entlemen:—We take pleasure in representing that the operations of the Society, for the past two years, have been chiefly confined to the improvement and adornment of the Agricultural Park, which consists in part of a mile and a half mile tracks, in fine condition; in build- ings, suitable for our present wants; in fencing, bridging, grading, and adorning the park with trees, etc. A spring of fresh water from the 16th Ward is now conveyed in red- wood pipes to the centre of the grounds, at a cost of $2,500, and an excavation has been made for orna- mental waterwork, preparatory to the erection of fountains and the planting of shrubbery, etc. The grounds have also been en- closed with a good, substantial fence; the east side is built of lum- ber, six feet high, closely fitted together, which in future is inten- ded to form a part of stalls, etc., for the exhibition of stock, products, agricultural implements, etc. In making these improvements the Society has kept in view the advantages that will, in the future, be derived by having suitable grounds and conveniences for the exhibition of stock and other pro- ducts of the Territory, and have taken pains to make it an attractive place and pleasant resort for citi- zens. A stock fair was held on the grounds in Oct., 1874. A fine exhi- bition of blooded and graded stock was made, showing a marked im- provement over former exhibitions, particularly so in the horses, horned stock and sheep. Herewith we present the finan- cial exhibit of the Treasurer, which shows an indebtedness of $2,401.93. To enable us to cancel said indebt- edness and complete improve- ments already commenced, we respectfully ask your Honorable body to appropriate the sum of $5,000. Respectfully submitted, W. WOODRUFF, President. Financial exhibit of the D.A. and M. Society, for the two years ending Dec. 31st, 1875: RECEIPTS. Territorial Appropriation $10,000.00 Salt Lake County Appropriation 747.43 Morgan County [Appropriation] 50.00 Individual Donations 663.57 Admission Fees 624.47 Memberships 20.00 [Total] $12,105.47 EXPENDITURES. Paid on Debts due, as per report of 1873 $4,998.35 Improvements on Park 7,296.66 Premiums and Discounts 1,363.44 Office Fixtures 23.70 Sundry General Expenses 755.93 Funds in Treasury 69.32 [Total] $14,507.40 INDEBTEDNESS $2,410.93


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Feb 7, 1876