Day in the Life

Feb 9, 1876

Journal Entry

February 09, 1876 ~ Wednesday

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Letter from George Quayle Cannon, 9 February 1876
Washington, D. C. . My dear Brother: Your very welcome favor of the 20th instult. came duly to hand. I was very glad to receive it. I have written very fully to the President, and I thought it like- ly that you would hear them ^letters^ read. It is scarcely clear yet as to what Congress will do in our case. The bill before the House is to give us a new election law. This is a "Ring" Bill and iswas brought or sent down by my contestant. I do not want to see it or any other Bill ^of theirs^ become law. We are capable of governing ourselves. The result to be gained by the passage of these Bills is not concealed. The "ring" say to Congress, "give us the legislation we want and we will control Utah and settle the Mormon question which vexes the nation." In other words, "Bind the Mor- mon people hand and foot, give us control of them and we will dispose of them." If the Lord is willing that this shall be done, Congress, no doubt, will enact the necessary


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Feb 9, 1876