Day in the Life

Mar 24, 1878

Journal Entry

March 24, 1878 ~ Sunday

24 I Attended Sunday school at 9 oclok
And conference at 10:30. The Authorities of the Church
presented and Local Authorities all sustained. We appointed
Wm H Dame President Jesse N. Smith and Henry
councillors. E Snow spoke 61 M[inutes]. Afternoon
W Woodruff spoke one hour H Lunt 8 M J N Smith 3
Wm H Dame 3 M, E Snow 18. We then Adjourned
untill the last Saturday in June. We spent the Evening in council


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Snow, Erastus
9 Nov 1818 - 27 May 1888
698 mentions
Smith, Jesse Nathaniel
2 Dec 1834 - 5 Jun 1906
Dame, William Horne
15 Jul 1819 - 16 Aug 1884

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Discourse 1878-03-24
Bro. W. Woodruff, read the 1 chapter of the 1 corrinthians, presented a figure dozent one member suffer one with an other you cut of[f] a leg and the other members suffer, cut the head of[f] and the body is useles. ther has organization of Christ ever existed and the Earth with out a head man has no power with the Lord confirs it upon him we can not heal the sick with the Spirit of god, spoke about the Loord calling the illiterate to estabilish his kingdom on the earth, he has call them from plow from the shop another parerbal [parable] labor mentiond the personages appearing to the lamanites, the Lord had tho [teach] them the same may be had to teach us, told the people to comenced good order at home when we pray have our children to quiet, we should hoonor every man in his place give honor honor is due. we should be careful in how act here on the earth, so not to lead the young estray. he expected to dwell with assembly in the worlds to come or be where they could visit with them. the wordld hates this people and is at war with kingdom of god and would like to brak down this People they love darknes rather than ^the^ light be cause the^i^r deeds are evil as Geasus said in his day hoped the People would continue in the good work the lord is giving us a posterity for our [mmr] blessing there is millions of spirits in the heavens of the best quality that he has saved to come forth in this generation, concluded by blessing the Saints. and Hoping they would be come more united


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Mar 24, 1878