Day in the Life

Apr 22, 1878

Journal Entry

April 22, 1878 ~ Monday

22, & 23. I spent the time at the farm 6 Mils


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Letter to John Daniel Thompson McAllister, 22 April 1878
in the House all day, felt very poorly. Many Brethren caled to have recommends contersigned for the Temple. recd Letter from Bro. W Woodruff John D. T McAllister St George Washington Co Utah John McAllis^t^er a corresponding mem- ber, of Philadelphia, Penn. was born in that city, June 29, 18798, and Died there Dec. 17, 1877, aged 91 years. His father, John Mc- Allister, was born in Glasgow, Scot., 1753, and emigrated to N. Y. when twenty-two years of age. In 1785 he removed to Phila- delphia. For many years the attention of Mr. McAllister and his family was direct- ed to the manufacture of mathematical and and optical instruments. ^Baptised for May 14/78 by Danl H. Mc Allister.^ John McAllister Jr., graduated from the University of Pa. in 1803. In 1804 he entered the counting house of Montgomery and Newbold. In 1811 he entered into part- nership with his father, which partnership continued until the death of the Senior mem- ber, May 12, 1830. Having taken Walter D. Dick as a partner, the business was trans- acted under the firm of John McAllister Jr. [sideways text] called at Bro Listons *read his letter to from Moroni* Son in law Nephi St George. Evening at Home A Board Meeting of the United Order of [end of sideways text]


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Apr 22, 1878