Lake City, Sunday, .
There is a principle that I feel
disposed to say a few words on, in
connection with what Brother Rich
has been saying, and that is the
principle of faith.
[The speaker then read the 11th
chapter of Hebrews.]
I have taken the liberty of read-
ing this catalogue of blessings
which ancient men of God obtained
through the principle of faith;
which principle is as much needed
to-day by the people of this genera
tion, as by any people at any age of
the world. We might continue the
chapter of results and operations
of the principle of faith to the
present day. For by faith Joseph
Smith received the ministration of
God, out of heaven. By faith he
received the records of Nephi, and
translated them through the Urim
and Thummim, into our own
language; and which have since
been translated into many different
languages. By faith he made the
foundation of this church and
kingdom, just as much as Noah,
by faith, built the ark, and received
the fulness thereof. [Hebrews 11:7] By faith he
prophesied, leaving a record, a tes-
tament which has been given
through his mouth to the inhabit-
ants of the earth, and which con-
tains the revelations of God yet to be
fulfilled. The testator is dead, but
his testament is in force to all the
world. By faith the elders of this
church left their homes and fami-
lies, and went, when called upon, to
foreign nations without money, and
without learning or experience, to
preach the Gospel of the Kingdom
without price, to this generation,
and warning the inhabitants of the
earth of the judgments of God
which await the world, and which
must overtake the wicked. Faith
is necessary on the part of the
Latter-day Saints, say nothing
about the outside world, in order
to read and believe the records of
divine truth which have come unto
us; and it requires faith on the part
of the Christian world to really be-
lieve this record, the Bible—to be-
lieve that the Lord, through his
servants, really means what he
says, and says what he means. It
requires faith on the part of the
Latter-day Saints to perform their
duties acceptably before God; for
we, in this dispensation, must walk
by faith and not by sight, just as
much as the people of God in any
previous dispensation. And this
principle we should exercise and
live by. Some of the revelations
which God has given unto us point
to the future condition of the world,
and foretell what must shortly be-
fall the world of mankind. These
predictions were uttered by holy
men as they were moved upon by
the Holy Ghost; and although the
men themselves have passed away,
not one jot or title of their words
will fail in their fulfilment. Not
withstanding all the unbelief and
infidelity of the modern world,
there is not a man living that can
place his finger upon the first reve
lation of God to man, from the days
of father Adam to the present time,
but what has had or is having its
fulfilment as fast as time and op-
portunity admit of. God lives.
These revelations which have been
given through men who were in-
spired of the Holy Ghost, will have
their fulfilment, even if the results
should effect the destruction of the
generation now living. When
Jesus brought the Gospel to his
father's house—the Jews, they re-
jected him and the words of life he
taught them. He found them
intently looking forward to the
coming of their Shiloh in the per-
son of a king, a ruler who should
possess great power, even power
sufficient to deliver them from
Romish yoke. They never once
dreamed that he would appear in
their midst as the babe of Beth-
lehem, who should be born in a
stable, and cradled in a manger, a
man who should know sorrow, and
who should be acquainted with grief,
and who should choose as his
disciples illiterate fishermen of low
degree. [Isaiah 53:3] And although he was
their Savior King who would have
redeemed them, and delivered them,
and given unto them the gospel of
peace and of liberty, yet they in
their vanity and pride despised
him, and persecuted him, and at
last shed his blood. [Matthew 27] But was there a
word ever uttered by him concern-
ing their temple or nation but what
met with i[t]s fu[l]filment to the very
letter? The history of the Jews,
which chronicles the days of their
glory and power, when they held
the Urim and Thummim, the
ephod, the priesthood, and when
[t]hey offered sacrifice, taken in con-
nection with the prediction of Jesus
foretelling their downfall and dis-
persion is of itself sufficient to teach
every infidel mind, that there is
truth in the revelations of God to
man. The Jews have been tram-
pled under the feet of the Gentiles
for the last 1,800 years, fulfilling, too,
what Moses said of them; and they
have been overthrown, as a nation,
and led captive unto other nations,
and are held in scorn by the Gen
tiles even to the present hour.
And you may begin at the begi
ning, taking, for instance, those
great cities that figured anciently
in their splendor and magnificence,
and which were built to defy all
time, such as Nineveh, Thebes,
Tyre and Sidon, Memphis and
Babylon. Where are they, and
what become of them? They are
gone, their history buried, as it
were, in oblivion, and that too in
fulfilment of prophesy. Yes, the
words of some poor honest prophet
or apostle raised up to declare the
Gospel to the inhabitants thereof,
but whom they despised and reject
ed, have met with their fulfilment,
and the disobedient and wicked
have passed away to be judged ac
cording to the deeds done in the
body. And you may trace the his-
tory of the world from father Adam
to the present time, and I can defy
any man to point to a single pre-
diction, uttered by inspired men
raised up of God, but what has or
will come to pass in its time and
season. And if the Gentiles to-day
would read these revelations of
God, and exercise faith in them,
they would no longer wonder when
they come among us, to see these
valleys, for 600 miles, filled with
cities and towns, gardens and or-
chards, temples and tabernacles,
and with comfortable dwellings.
But the fact is, unbelief has over-
whelmed the Christian world, and
man has spiritualized the Scriptures
until there is no faith in him, and
he has no faith in God, nor in the
literal fulfilment of his revelations
to man. That is what ails the
world to-day. The predictions of
the Bible never could have been
fulfilled, had not the Lord, in these
last days raised, up a prophet as an
instrument in his hands to again
establish his Gospel on the earth,
and gather together the house of
Israel to the valleys of these ever-
lasting hills, according to his de-
cree to old father Jacob; and his
seed have yet to make this western
desert to blossom as the rose, bring
ing forth "the fir tree, the pine
tree, and the box together, to beau-
tify the place of my sanctuary." [Isaiah 60:13]
The whole history of this people
has been foretold by the prophet
Isaiah, thousands of years ago; and
it has been a steady growth from
the commencement to the present.
And will the Lord stop here? No;
whether men believe or not, this
Zion so often spoken of in holy
writ, has got to arise and put on
her beautiful garments; these
mountain vales have got to be
filled with the saints of God, and
temples reared to his holy name,
preparatory to the time when "the
Gentiles shall come thy light,
and kings to the brightness of thy
rising." [Isaiah 60:3] And this time will come
when the nations are fully warned
by the preaching of the servants of
God, and his judgments commence
to be poured out upon the world,
in fulfilment of the revelations of
St. John. Faith then is what the
unbelieving world needs to exercise
in God, and in his revelations to
man; but as I have said, whether
we do it or not, our unbelief will
never turn the hand of God to the
right or the left.
God has restored again his Gos-
pel. He has raised up men and
commanded them to go forth and
preach it to the world, and they
have been engaged doing so now
for nearly half a century, ever
since the organization of this
Church. It was organized by reve
lation, with prophets apostles, pas-
tors, teachers, helps and govern-
ment, and the principles of it were
taught by revelation, the same as
Jesus and the Apostles taught them
in their day; and they are the same
as when they taught them, there is
no change whatever. The Lord
never revealed but one Gospel to
the inhabitants of th[e] earth,
in any age of the world, nor
never will; the Gospel is the
same yesterday, to-day, and forev-
er, and the principles thereof are
faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, be-
lieving that he is, and that he lived
and died as a ransom for the sins of
the world; and baptism for the re-
mission of sins, being immersed
and buried in water, by one having
authority of God, that you may rise
in newness of life, in fulfilment of
the testimony of Jesus, and then
receive the Holy Ghost by the lay-
ing on of hands, confirming be
lievers members of his Church. [Hebrews 13:8]
And when you are born of the wa-
ter and the Spirit, you can enter in
to the Kingdom of God, and being
born of the Spirit, you can see the
Kingdom of God. And such be-
lievers, when they receive the
Holy Ghost receive the inspira
tion and revelation and light of
it. Our eyes and ears may be de-
ceived by the cunning and machi-
nation of man; but the Holy Ghost
never deceives anybody. It bears
record of the Father and the Son,
and it bears record of the truths of
the Gospel to those who possess it.
The Lord never had a church on
the face of the earth, from it[s] first
organisation until to day, unless
that church was organized by revel-
ation, with prophets and apostles,
pastors, teachers, helps and govern-
ments endowed with the Holy
Priesthood—that power delegated
from God to man, which authorizes
him to act for God; and without
this Priesthood no man, from the
day the world rolled into existence
has any right to administer in any
of the ordinances of his holy house,
neither has any man a right to that
Priesthood save he be called of God
as was Aaron who, we are informed,
was called by revelation. [Hebrews 5:4] What is
his Priesthood for? It is to ad
minister the ordinances of the Gos-
pel, even the Gospel of our Father
in heaven, the eternal God, the
Eloheim of the Jews and the God
of the Gentiles, and all he has ever
done from the beginning has been
performed by and through the
power of that Priesthood, which is
"Without father, without mother,
without descent, having neither be-
ginning of days, nor end of life," [Hebrews 7:3]
and the administration of his ser-
vants holding this priesthood is
binding, being the savor of life un-
to life or death unto death. It was
by virtue of this priesthood the
twelve apostles anciently went in-
to the world to preach the Gospel,
and it was because of this priest-
hood which they held that men, in
rejecting then, rejected Him who
sent them and consequently
brought upon themselves condemn-
ation. Light has again come into
the world; but men love darkness
rather than light because their deeds
are evil. [John 3:17-19] Hence condemnation
rests down upon the world, for the
consequences of rejecting the Gospel
must overtake the world in this the
last dispensation, just as much as
they did in former ones, in the days
Noah and Lot and those of the
As I before stated, so say I again,
the Gospel of Christ requires faith
all the day long, for no man can
continue faithful to the end with-
out it. God has set his hand a sec
ond time to build up that kingdom
which Daniel was permitted to see
in vision, and to establish that Zion
in the mountains which Isaiah saw. [Daniel 2:26-47] [Isaiah 60]
He has set his hand, for the last
time, to gather together all things
which are in heaven and on earth
which are in Christ, unto himself. [Ephesians 1:10]
The day has come when the Lord
has sent forth a proclamation to
warn the nations to prepare for his
second coming; and the signs of
both heaven and earth all indicate
the coming of the Son of Man,
which is near at the door. No man
knows the day or the hour when
Christ will come, but the genera-
tion is clearly pointed out, the fig
tree is leaving, and great changes
are near at hand. [Matthew 24:32-36] Great Babylon is
coming in remembrance before God,
and the Lord has called upon the
inhabitants of the earth, who are
very wicked, to repent of their sins
an[d] turn unto him. The genera-
tion in which we live is a wicked
and an adulterous generation, and
wickedness and abomination of ev-
ery kind are increasing, and the
earth has commenced to groan un-
der the evil practices of man. The
heavens are in pain over the diso-
bedience and unrighteousness of
the children of men, and the an-
gels, we are told, are waiting in
their places in the Temple for the
time to come when they will be
called upon to go forth and reap
down the earth. Judgments await
the world, but they heed not, and
apparently do not care. With fire
and sword the Lord will plead with
all flesh, and as the prophet has
said respecting this event, "the
slain of the Lord will be many;"
and these things will overtake the
world in an hour when they expect
them not, when they will be cry
ing peace, but alas, peace will have
departed from them, and they left to
devour and destroy each other. [Isaiah 66:16] All
these things are foretold, and many
of them are written in these revela
tions given in our day, and they
are already being fulfilled before
our eyes; and they will continue to
be fulfilled, until all that is spoken
of shall have come to pass. There-
fore, I want to say to the Latter-day
Saints; Exercise faith in God, and
exercise faith in his revelations, and
read them and ponder over them
and pray earnestly that you may
have a correct understanding of all
that God has revealed, that you
may grow in the light and knowl
edge of God, and see the import-
ance of living your religion and of
living uprightly before Him; for
all men, both Jew and Gentile,
saint and sinner, will be judged ac-
cording to the deeds done in the
body, and for the opportunities
which we have of informing our
selves of the will of God concern
ing us, which we allow to go unim-
proved, we cannot be held guiltless.
It certainly becomes us, who have
named the name of Christ, to walk
uprightly before God, for we can
not escape his chastening hand if
we reject the light we have receiv-
ed. Our condemnation will be
far greater than those who never
embraced the principles of the Gos
pel, if we apostatize, or through in-
different carelessness we allow the
cares and things of this world to
choke down the good seed planted.
We have "tasted the good word of
God, and the powers of the world
to come;" we "know the Master's
will," and if we do it not we will
be "beaten with many stripes." [Hebrews 6:5] [Luke 12:47]
The religious world talk about non-
essentials. There are no such things
existing in the Gospel of the Lord
Jesus. He requires us to obey the
same laws that he himself obeyed,
and which he taught in his day.
Why did he go into the Jordan to
be baptized of John? To fulfil all
righteousness. [Matthew 3:13-17] It was a righteous
law, it belonged to Him, and his
example is in force to all the world.
No man can enter into the King-
dom of God except he is born of the
water and of the Spirit. [John 3:5] Men may
be judged and their bodies lie in the
grave until the last resurrection, to
come forth and receive of a telestial
glory; but no man will receive of
of the celestial glory except it be
through the ordinances of the House
of God. Jesus performed that act
that he might set the example; he
was the way for others to follow.
The Jews, as I have said, rejected
him and the Gospel he brought to
them, and they shed his blood.
They have been paying the penalty
of their misdeeds for the last 1800
years. It costs something to shed
innocent blood, it costs something
to shed the blood of prophets and
apostles. And I have sometimes
taken the liberty, before strangers as
well as Latter-day Saints, to express
my views in regard to shedding the
blood of Joseph Smith and other
prophets. It has cost this nation
four years' war, laying in the dust
nearly a million and a half of men,
and it has also cost millions upon
millions of dollars, creating a debt
which it will never live to pay.
This is the faith of Wilford Wood-
ruff, and I think I have a right to
exercise my faith in this matter. I
say then, it costs something to shed
the [b]lood of righteous men in this
as well as in previous generations.
My testimony is that judgments
await Babylon, judgments await
the Christian world, and if people
will read their Bible, they will see
these declarations written down,
and these judgments will increase
until the world is cleansed from
wickedness. And I say to all the
world, Repent of your sins, and be
baptized for remission of them, that
you may receive the Holy Ghost by
the laying on of hands, and be
saved in the Kingdom of God.
Without complying with these re-
quirements, you nor I can never go
where God and Christ dwell, worlds
without end, for these things have
been made known to us by ancient
and modern prophets.
Therefore, your as well as my
eternal destiny, our future position
throughout the ages of eternity, de-
pend upon the few hours, the few
days, the few weeks we spend in
the flesh. If I ever obtain a full
salvation it will be by my keeping
the laws of God. If I sin against God
and man, I shall have to foot the
bill; it will be so with you and with
the whole world. This is the Gos-
pel of Jesus Christ; this is the Zion
of God, and what you see already
accomplished in this desert land is
really in fulfilment of the revela-
tions of God. The hand of God
has guided this Church from its in-
cipiency to the present time. God
will continue to direct its affairs,
and there is no power on the earth
or under the earth that can ever
stop its progress, for He, himself,
has decreed that the Zion of the
latter-days shall never be over-
thrown; but on the contrary, as he
has said, through the mouth of the
prophet Isaiah, "For the nation and
the kingdom that will not serve
thee shall perish; yea, those nations
shall be utterly wasted." [Isaiah 60:12] Pretty
strong doctrine to be taught by a
humble man of God. Neverthe-
less, time will bring it about, and it
is not in the power of man to pre-
vent it. I am a believer in revela-
tion. I am a believer, from the
crown of my head to the soles of
my feet, with every particle of spir-
it in me, that God will bring about,
literally and to the very letter, all
that he has spoken through his ser-
vants, ancient and modern.
By way of concluding my re-
marks I wish to bear testimony to
this congregation and to the stran-
gers present, that Joseph Smith was
a prophet of the living God; he was
raised up by the Lord, and laid the
foundation of this Church. He
lived to accomplish the work he
was raised up to do. He received
the keys of the priesthood from un-
der the hands of Peter, James and
John, and those pertaining to the
gathering of scattered Israel, from
under the hands of Moses, the lead-
er of ancient Israel. [Doctrine and Covenants 27:12] Elijah, or
Elias also visited him and bestowed
upon him the keys to "turn the
hearts of the fathers to the children,
and the heart of the children to the
fathers," which was in fulfilment
of a prediction by the Prophet Mal-
achi. [Malachi 4:6] He also received the keys of
the Aaronic Priesthood under the
hands of John the Baptist, which
priesthood pertains to the temporal
government of the Church. After
performing his work he sealed his
testimony with his blood, passed
behind the vail, and he, with his
brethren who have also gone, is still
engaged in carrying on the same
great work. He still labors by vir-
tue of this priesthood which he re-
ceived on earth, and which he will
continue to hold, worlds without
end. And this will be the case
with every faithful man of God
who magnifies his calling and
priesthood here below.
May God bless you, my brethren
and sisters and friends, with his
Holy Spirit, and give you faith in
Him, and in his revelations, that
you may be led to do his will while
you live upon the earth. But
whether you live to be thus favored
or not, my testimony is that they
will have their fulfilment. Even
so, amen.